Over 700 million children in 49 countries to be protected against measles and rubella

Rwanda first sub-Saharan African country to introduce measles-rubella vaccine nationwide with GAVI support

Kigali, Geneva, New York, Washington: 12 March 2013 – Rwanda’s measles-rubella vaccination campaign, which is being launched today, is the beginning of an effort to vaccinate more than 700 million children under 15 years of age against two disabling and deadly diseases. The combined measles-rubella vaccine will be introduced in 49 countries by 2020 thanks to financial support from the GAVI Alliance. The support builds on the efforts of the Measles & Rubella Partnership (M&RP) that have helped countries to protect 1.1 billion children against measles since 2001.

Rwanda, which is already effectively controlling measles, becomes the first sub-Saharan African country to provide measles-rubella vaccine nationwide with GAVI support. The vaccine will not only stop the transmission of rubella from mother to child, preventing children being born with severe birth defects, but also protect children against measles, which is highly contagious.

“Rwanda has made great strides over the past four years in child survival by introducing vaccines against leading child killers, including pneumonia and diarrhoea,” said Dr Agnes Binagwaho, Rwanda’s Minister of Health. “The introduction of the combined measles-rubella vaccine is one more important step to ensuring that all children in Rwanda receive the full immunization package. In our efforts to eliminate measles, we have raised measles coverage through campaigns and routine immunisation to higher than 95%.”

Starting in Rwanda, GAVI-funded rubella vaccines, an underused vaccine, will benefit women’s and children’s health. In pregnant women, rubella can lead to miscarriage or severe birth defects, including blindness, deafness and heart problems. The combined measles-rubella (MR) vaccine provides a 2-in-1 shot against these two diseases and will accelerate global efforts to control rubella and measles.

Rwandan health workers will vaccinate close to five million children between the ages of 9 months and 14 years during the four-day measles-rubella vaccination campaign, which begins today in a village outside Kigali. All children under age 5 will be vaccinated at Rwanda’s health centres and school-aged children will be vaccinated in schools. Community health workers, present in every village, will do their best to ensure no child is missed.

Five other countries – Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Senegal and Viet Nam – are expected to introduce the MR vaccine through vaccination campaigns with GAVI support by the end of 2013.

“Investing in rubella will provide a much-needed boost to improving women’s and children’s health in poor countries. GAVI’s support for measles-rubella campaigns will help accelerate global progress in controlling two life-threatening diseases,” said Dr Seth Berkley, GAVI Alliance CEO. “Rubella vaccine has been available since the 1970s in many parts of the world. Accelerating the introduction of rubella vaccine in developing countries will spread the benefits of the vaccine to those in most need and build on country efforts to control measles with a cost-effective combined vaccine. It brings us one step closer to ensuring that every child everywhere is fully immunized.”

“The introduction of measles-rubella vaccine leads to several critical outcomes for children’s health. Infants won’t be born with the blindness, deafness and heart defects associated with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), and, through high vaccination coverage, countries can reduce and even eliminate measles, rubella and CRS,” said Dr. Susan Reef, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rubella expert and member of the Measles & Rubella Partnership.

The measles-rubella vaccine offers protection against two unrelated diseases which cause some of the same symptoms and are frequently confused with each other. In their common form, both viruses cause a rash and fever. Measles can be deadly for children with poor nutrition and weakened immune systems. The virus still causes about 430 child deaths every day worldwide, mainly in developing countries.

Rubella, also known as “German measles”, is also very contagious but causes relatively mild disease in children. More than 100,000 children are born with the birth defects, known as Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), each year – of which 90,000 live in GAVI’s 57 eligible countries.

Countries’ efforts to vaccinate children have reduced measles deaths globally by 71% from 2000-2011, from an estimated 548,000 to 158 000 deaths with support from the M&RP. As countries reduce measles and improve laboratory identification of the disease, cases of rubella – which in the past may have been mistaken for measles – begin to emerge, demonstrating the need for rubella vaccine. Rwanda, for example, has reduced measles deaths to zero through high routine immunisation coverage and three measles vaccination campaigns supported by the M&RP.

GAVI is investing more than US$ 600 million in the fight against measles and rubella through large-scale campaigns. GAVI’s financial support for the Rwandan campaign totals close to US$ 7 million, of which US$ 3.5 million is for the vaccines (including syringes and safety boxes) and US$ 3.3 million to cover the campaign’s operational costs. GAVI will also support the introduction of the MR vaccine in Rwanda’s routine immunization programme in January 2014. The MR vaccine is considered safe and cost-effective at around 50 cents per dose – about 25 cents higher than measles vaccine alone.


Thanks to widespread vaccination, rubella is no longer the threat it once was in many countries. But for millions of mothers and their children in poorer countries, rubella poses an ongoing danger. Africa and Southeast Asia have the highest number of estimated CRS cases and the lowest uptake of rubella-containing vaccine. The human and economic toll of rubella in those regions is staggering.

“GAVI funding for measles and rubella vaccine campaigns will help countries to rapidly scale up introduction of rubella vaccine, and protect women and children,” said Dr. Louis Z. Cooper, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at Columbia University and past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “In fact, every day of delay means approximately 300 newborn children enter the world with life-altering disability because of rubella infection in pregnancy. With the technical know-how available, we have a chance to make history by eradicating measles and rubella once and for all.”


Measles kill an estimated 430 people – mainly young children – every day. In 2000, about 548,000 children died from measles, whose symptoms include a high fever, severe skin rash, and a cough. At least 90% of children must be covered with measles vaccine to protect communities against measles. The M&RP continues to support country efforts to raise measles and rubella vaccination coverage and plans to financially support 16 measles campaigns in 2013. It will provide technical support to GAVI-funded MR campaigns and introduction of MR into routine vaccination programs.

GAVI Alliance

The GAVI Alliance is a public-private partnership committed to saving children’s lives and protecting people’s health by increasing access to immunisation in developing countries. The Alliance brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private sector partners. GAVI uses innovative finance mechanisms, including co-financing by recipient countries, to secure sustainable funding and adequate supply of quality vaccines. Since 2000, GAVI has financed the immunisation of an additional 370 million children and prevented more than 5.5 million premature deaths. Learn more at www.gavialliance.org and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

GAVI is funded by governments [Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States], the European Commission, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as private and corporate partners [Absolute Return for Kids, Anglo American plc., The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Comic Relief, Dutch Postcode Lottery, His Highness Sheikh Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, JP Morgan, “la Caixa” Foundation, LDS Charities and Vodafone].

Measles & Rubella Partnership

The Measles & Rubella Partnership (M&RP) is a global partnership committed to ensuring no child dies from measles or is born with congenital rubella syndrome. A broad public-private global partnership, it’s led by the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF and the World Health Organization. The M&RP aims to reach the measles and rubella elimination goals of the Global Vaccine Action Plan by supporting countries to raise coverage of measles, rubella and other vaccines; fund, plan, implement and monitor quality supplementary campaigns; investigate outbreaks and support and help fund an effective outbreak response, propose and participate in solutions to strengthen immunization delivery; and support a global laboratory network for measles and rubella. Since 2001, the Partnership has supported 80 countries to deliver more than 1.1 billion doses of measles vaccine, helped to raise measles vaccination coverage to 84% globally, and reduced measles deaths by 71%. These efforts have contributed significantly to reducing child mortality as per Millennium Development Goal 4.

Media requests

GAVI Alliance
Dominique De Santisbr
Tel: +41 22 909 2920; Cell: +41 79 758 1658

Rob Kelly
Tel: +41 22 909 2978
Measles & Rubella Partnership
Hayatee Hasan
World Health Organization
Tel: +41 79 500 6532

Ahmad Azadi
UNICEF, New York
Tel: +1 212 326 7211; +1 917 446 8138
Photos / videos contact
Laura Raquel Wexler
Tel: +250 252-592703 ; +250 0788301419 lwexler@unicef.org

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